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5、【HP/GGAD】【格林德沃×邓布利多】Somewhere ...

  •   I'm the shadow to his lihgt.I'm the night to his day,
      I'm the death to his life.I'm his prisoner.
      I'm his jailor.I'm his oldest enemy.
      I'm his oldest love.

      Lost In The Darkness 迷失在黑暗中
      Hoping For A Sign 怀念过去的痕迹
      InStead There's Only Silence 然而也只是虚无
      Can't You Hear My Screams 你可曾听到我的呼喊

      Never Stop Hoping 从未停止希冀
      Until You Know Where You Are 直到领悟自己此身何处
      But One Thing's For Sure 唯一事永恒
      You're Always In My Heart 你一直在我心中

      I'll Find You Somewhere 你我总有一日会重逢
      I'll Keep On Trying 会使我放弃的
      Until My Dying Day唯有死亡
      I Just Need To Know 我只是想知道
      Whatever Has Happened 过去的真相
      The Truth Will Free My Soul

      Lost In The Darkness 迷失在黑暗中
      Tried To Find Way Home 只想见到你
      I Want To Embrace You 想拥抱你
      And Never Let You Go 永不让你离开

      Almost Like You're In Heaven 几乎希望你已不在人世
      So No One Can Hurt Your Soul 那样再没有人可以伤害你的灵魂
      Living In Agony余生都在痛苦中
      Cause I Just Did Not know 因为我不知道
      Where You Were 你在何处?

      I'll find you somewhere 我知道你我总会重逢
      I'll keep on trying 我不会放弃
      until my dying day直到我死去为止
      I just need to know 我只是想知道
      whatever has happened 过去的真相
      The truth will free my soul

      Wherever You Are 无论你在何处
      I Won't Stop Searching 我会一直寻找
      Whatever It Takes Me To Go 无论代价是什么
      II just need to know 我想知道真相

      'll find you somewhere 总有一日你我会重逢
      I'll keep on trying 我不会放弃
      until my dying day直到我迎来死亡
      II just need to know 我只是想知道
      whatever has happened 过去的真相
      The truth will free my soul
note 作者有话说
第5章 【HP/GGAD】【格林德沃×邓布利多】Somewhere

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