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74、2024/3/20 ...

  •   As a rule
      PHR通常 例:As a rule,he tries to call his mom at 8 pm every day。

      N登记 例:New students are lining up for the school enrollment。

      Rephrase (perhaps:或许)
      VT重新措辞 例:perhaps you should rephrase what you’ve just said。

      Masculine (beard:胡须 charm:魅力)
      ADJ男性的 例:His beard and suit are masculine enough to show his charm。

      Rating (excellent:ADJ优秀的)
      N评价 例:we received an excellent rating for our customer service。

      Plaster (material:N材料 sculpture:N雕刻)
      N石膏 例:Plaster is a material that can be used to cover walls and make sculptures。
      例:Her broken arm is still in plaster。

      Painstaking (electric:ADJ电的)
      ADJ辛勤的 例:After years painstaking research,he finally invented the electric bulb。

      Fabulous (compliments:N贺词)
      ADJ极好的 例:He compliments his birde that she looks fabulous。

      Bring to
      PHR使恢复知觉 例:The lifeguard brought the drowned man to。

      Instance (mathematical:ADJ数学的)
      N例子 例:The teacher shows a mathematical instance on the blackboard。
      例:Yes,I love animals--for instance,bears.

      Disapproval (Pointing:N指示 thumb:N拇指 universal:ADJ宇宙的)
      N不赞成 例:Pointing one’s thumb down is a university sign of disapproval。

      ADJ未予以答复的 例:there was an unanswered call a while ago。

      N房产 例:He had finally saved enough money to buy a property。

      Storm (campV/N露营 dormN宿舍)
      N暴风雨 例:Run!The storm is coming!
      The ship was hit by a storm at sea。

      ADJ不可靠的 例:The girl fell off her bike because her unreliable friend was looking at his phone。

      ADJ惊人的 例:Cancer cells grow at an alarming rate。

      Interrupt (conversation:N谈话)
      V打断 例:Their conversation was interrupted by a knock at the door。
      例:Do not interrupt me,I am listening to the music。

      V劝说 例:The salesman is persuading us to buy a car。
      例:He is trying to persuade his friend to go on a roller coaster with him。

      Temptation (desserts:甜品)
      N诱惑 例:He gave in to his temptation to try the desserts。

      N有机体 例:Many living organisms can only be seen using a microscope。

      N一致同意 例:We finally reached a consensus in the business meeting。
      例:They reached a consensus about what to eat for dinner。

      Irrelevant to
      PHR与...不相关 例:The boy’s answer is irrelevant to the teacher’s question.
      Percentage (quarter:N季度 disaster:N灾难)
      N百分比 例:GDP fell by four percentage points this quarter--what a disaster!
      例:The percentage of the green part is 60 percent。

      Evolve(Include:V包括 involve:V涉及、包括)
      V进化 例:Even today,the human race continues to evolve-or maybe devolve。

      N护照例:A possport is necessary if you want to travel abroad,just like me。
      例: I got many stamps on my possport。

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