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14、Chapter 13 ...
“Approaching jump in 3,2,1.”随着Nebula的count down,感觉到几阵冲击波过后,Rosamund睁开眼便看到了Thanos的退休星球。“I’ll head down for recon.”说罢,Carol就只身一人进入了星球进行勘查。过了一会儿,“You’re right. No ground defenses of any kind. It’ s just him.”
“Let’s meet this guy.” Steve下令道,说罢飞船便开入了星球。
“I might have a proposal? I think I should go first, alone.” Rosamund提出她早就想好的建议,“Have you lost your mind? That’s way too dangerous for you.”Nat不可置信地看着她。
“I KNOW. And that’s why.” Rosamund解释道,“I’m less aggressive, and he is now retired, he is definitely NOT the Thanos you fought with. More importantly, all of you are just staying here. If anything goes wrong, you can just break in!”
“I can’t let you do this.” Steve摇头,“What if we don't get there in time? What if he just kills you the moment you knock on the door?”
“Loki, you know what I mean, right?” 劝说无果后,Rosamund转向Loki,她觉得他对Thanos足够了解。他刚要开口,Nebula抢先道,“This is going to work. I know who he is. He will not kill another girl for no reason.”Rosamund感激地看了Nebula一眼,“Thanks.”
“Don't have to. I’m not intended to help you.”Nebula冷冷地说道,Rosamund耸耸肩,“SO. DEAL!”说罢她便在Loki的陪同下走向Thanos的房子。
敲响房门。Thanos打开门,女孩感觉自己看着他脖子都要断了,便退后几步,“Hi,Thanos.” Rosamund先打破沉默,表明来意,“Can I come in?”Thanos侧身让女孩进去。
门外的几个人等了半个多小时,里面还没动静,Steve按耐不住了,“We break in NOW!”他下令。“But Rose said…”Rhodey认为还是跟着原计划走比较好。Nat虽然没说话,但内心还是偏向于Steve这边的,她了解女孩的战斗力,如果一旦发生什么意外的话,在Thanos手里根本活不到一秒,至于是否能从Thanos这里得到他们想要的信息,她觉得一定有别的方法一样可行。
“If you break in now, you’ll have to kill him before he does.”Nebula凭着对Thanos的了解,冷静地分析。“Well, I can only know that, she’s not dead now.”Loki补充道,继上次和她分享了神力之后,他也发现自己可以感应到女孩的一点了,刚才和她分开之后他就没停下过感应,不然他怎么可能放心让她一个人进去!
“We DO NOT TAKE RISKS!”Steve依旧坚持以女孩的安全为主。“Your call, Cap.”Rhodey认为意见要尽快统一。
当他们闯进去的时候,Rosamund吓了一大跳,Thanos倒是一脸早就知道的神情。“我还没按求救键吧?”Loki第一时间扑倒女孩挡住攻击的波及,女孩一脸震惊地问他,“我们不清楚里面的情况,而且,那个大兵执着的要闯进来。”但很快他们的对话就被打断了,一边的Carol先制服了Thanos,Rhodey和Cap一起按住他。Thor挥着Stormbreaker进来,直接劈下了Thanos带着手套的手臂,Racoon随后翻开手套,果然Stones都不在了。Loki和Rosamund走过来,Rosamund示意他们放开Thanos,“He didn't do anything to me, we were just talking.”他们刚松开一点Thanos,他便对Thor笑着说道,“You didn't go for the head, Again.”
Oh no. Rosamund心里咯噔一下,“Damn”Loki轻声说(同雷神1里Jotunheim那边~还记得不~)
呃。。。气氛一度陷入僵局,“Anyway, I already got the things I want, pick up this and let's go back to the ship.”Rosamund指了指地上的手套,跟着Thor和Loki走出去。Nebula走在最后,静静地和父亲告别。Carol接到了别的任务,先自行离开了。
“So, what next? Vormir?”Nat想要尽快确认Stone的能力,找到救回另一半生命的办法。Racoon修改目的地为Vormir。
“Wait, do you happen to have another ship?”Rosamund还是不放心Nat去到Vormir,“I do have one collection.”Racoon设置成自动驾驶模式,然后打开了自己的库存。
我要先研究一下这个老东西,Raccoon边说边跳上飞船试图启动。Loki紧随其后在一边帮忙。剩下的Steve和Nat以及Rhodey在管着Nebula,Rosamund走向好似有点在神游的Thor,“You OK?”
“Yeah,yeah,I’m ok,”Thor回过神来,装作没事的轻描淡写道。
“It’s just, there’s so many thing happened those years. Years ago, Loki set me up and banished me to earth and then almost destroyed Odin and Jotunheim, and then I thought he was dead but actually he just ruined New York, days later, Jane was sick because of the Reality Stone and then my mother died and then my father died and then there’s a sister who eventually took away one of my eyes and caused Ragnar?k, and then we rescued people of Asgard but there’s Thanos who killed Loki and eliminated half-lives of the universe, and now Loki turns out not dead and Thanos is now dead, I killed him, it’s just all, you know, happened too fast for me to handle.”Thor一边做着手势一边比划道。