「So here I stand in the dormer, (那么我此刻伫立于天窗里,) (I'm not getting any younger, ) (人无再少年,) (In a world full of people, ) (置身在人满为患的世界,) Think I'm ready for a closure, (我想我已准备好诀别)」
「The feelings I bear, (我所承受的感情) Slowly turns from blue to grey, (缓缓由蓝变作灰,) …… Longing to receive a goodnight kiss, (渴求能收到晚安吻,) Little banter tease that I missed, (我怀念往日的戏谑调侃,) In the morning, (在清晨,) I wish you well, (愿你万事胜意,) I wish you love, (祝你被爱眷顾。)」