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2、chapter one 01 ...

  •   Xuan Huifeng raised his hands to the level of his neck and tightened his scarf. He ,covered with snow,hurried to the Tongren Guild Hall.
      (raise his hands to his neck是抱颈,所以加个举起来到xxx水平(线)才符合原文的意思,但是读起来很怪,以后再看看有没有好的描述方式bia,真的好需要一个editor啊~~
      关于cover by还是with,词典给出的是不完全覆盖是with,完全覆盖是by)

      This Spring Festival was colder than ever.

      As people walked on the road, they could feel nothing but freezing as the cold wind blew into their necks, with the air they inhaled into their lungs. Despite the cold, it was the thirtieth day of the twelfth lunar month after all.There were already children dressed like zongzi running around the streets excitedly, setting off firecrackers with bang sounds , and some squatting at the door of their houses building snowmen, waiting for the most sumptuous reunion dinner of the year.
      (zongzi:rice dumplings,a traditional Chinese food usually made for Duanwu Festival or the dragon boat Festival.It is wrapped with several levels(usually three)of bamboo leaves with which it bloats in shape but in a cute way.)

      As he passed a crossing, three or four ragged vagabonds chased after him in a swarm, reaching out to him.

      "Sir! Sir! May you great luck,great profit and Happy Chinese New Year! Give us some lucky money please!"

      "May you be promoted step by step! Sir! Give us some lucky money please, may you be promoted step by step!"

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