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6、1899.7.6 GG ...

  •   Ariana is such a nice girl. She went to bed early yesterday, which gave Albus and I plenty of time for discussion.I have to say that communicating through the owl tapping on the window does hinder efficiency, but the waiting process is actually fun.

      During some of the “Expelliarmus”, Albus had too much to write. So that I waited about fifteen minutes, and I even thought Albus had fallen asleep on the table just like what I did yesterday.Just as I was about to ride up to his window on my broom, Charlotte brought a thick roll of parchment, including even an essay Albus himself had written at school. That's wonderful!I have to admit that I am amazed that anyone of my age can agree with me on magical research, even two years before I do that."Expelliarmus" restraint "Avada"! What a useful discovery! If this goes out, we'll go down in history!

      Of course, I will go down in history not just for this small discovery, but for the greater works I will create in the future.I had sincerely invited Albus to join me in my unformed vision of the future last night, and he was surprised that I had such ambitions. Of course, once he knew, Albus joined me without thinking twice. Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald, we are going to be remember for the GREATER GOOD! (I really liked this line from Albus in one of the letter at last night.)

      P.S. Why Albus wanted me to bring him "coriander, sage, rosemary, and thyme" at the fair, and do they have any magical potions? Or can they help cast spells? But I've never heard of parsley as a potions.

      P.P.S. the "Avada" can't damage the diary, Albus. It doesn't work on Inanimate.
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第6章 1899.7.6 GG

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