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  •   As discussed in Manner Emotions, and the American Way by Carol Trvris, rules about “ a culture`s rules of anger are not arbitrary; they evolve along with its history and structure.” After I read this sentence, I recollect from before Christ to now. I feel that most people`s anger evolved along with their history, but few people`s anger failed to do so.
      About before Christ, people wrangled with other people when they were angry. Modern society, world has national boundaries, and every country has different history and structure. From 1,800 years ago to nowadays, Chinese people swallow an insult, and wait times give them to heavy retaliate. Let their enemy who have anger, but no place is dispatched, and they have energy, but no place is used. But America people is different. Maybe from 500years ago to nowadays, America people is quick rhythm, I think they can find other ways vent their disgust if they are angry.
      Let people daring show one`s own in US, and milk of human kindness is cold. Teachers usually ask students many questions, and let students more talk. Teachers listen students` idea and give them some opinions. Let students can more clear to express. Teachers` way like sapling is cultivated high tree.
      But in china, people like hide one`s own, and human touch is intense. From childhood, teachers or parents teacher us bear. When I was nine-years–old, I was hit by my classmate. I was crying when I told my teacher. At first, my teacher said:” I do not like crying person. When you meet bad something and only know to cry, you are no using person.” Finally, my classmate and I both were mistaken. This thing let me know to bear.
      On other hand, everywhere have some people to do very wild and primitive things:wrangle and fight. This people`s culture is light. Society is at present, it need culture. Gradually, society need people that have high educational level. No culture people do not use for society. We do not use to worry this people. Society is cruel, and no culture people is eliminated in future. I believe all people`s anger will evolved along with its history and structure to success.
      About this issue has other issue:” cultural practices cannot be imported from society to society like so many bits of cheese, because they are part of a large patten of rules and relationships.” I feel this sentence is good.
      China and American have different custom and relationship. They cannot be all change. Overseas Chinese went back and some foreigner went to china of later years. Their ways let me recollect one thing:” one person study many different majors, this person is not proficient in what he study, and person cannot greatest use what he studied. This way like you walk sandy beach, you leave your footprint, but when tide pass through your footprint, and your footprint vanish.” We have other people, they come to study in American or other countries, they study good knowledge and culture, and they change their life and so on. You carefully observe, you can discover, they really change what only have a little. Their habbies and disposition both go deep into the hearts and marrow of them. Cultural practices cannot be imported from country to country. I like this issue because I feel this issue is classical.
      Different countries anger evolve along with their different history and structure. Many years later, many people go to other country study, and many people come back their country. That is cycle. Every country`s anger will have a little resemble.

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