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4、The relationship between modern science and the view of Buddhism: human predicament and human mind ...

  •   Buddhism is the theoretical basis of modern science, and some sciences are the practical expansion of Buddhism. Buddhism and some sciences complement and perfect each other; Buddhism and some sciences support and are based on each other. Modern science, especially in medicine, psychology, biology and other disciplines, largely depends on the views of Buddhism on human dilemma and human mind.

      In the book biography of the Buddha, we can know that birth, old age, illness and death are the human suffering that the Buddha saw on his way out of the palace before he got the Tao. Therefore, in order to avoid these painful reincarnation, the Buddha founded Buddhism and carried forward the Dharma. In today\'s Southeast Asia, the main spread is Mahayana Buddhism, while Mahayana Buddhism is widely spread in most parts of China. Different from the emphasis of Mahayana Buddhism on \"crossing oneself\", Mahayana Buddhism advocates \"crossing others\". The openness of Buddhism tells us that there are eight hardships in life: life, old age, disease, death, resentment and hatred, love and separation, inability to seek, and prosperity of five Yin.
      According to the basic viewpoints of Physiology: (1) health: it needs to be cared for, and pain is not easy to express clearly;(2) Aging: the aging of physical function limits our own behavior; (3) Illness: illness causes all kinds of pain. For example, headache, stomachache, insomnia, depression, cataract (see GRE ellipsis for vocabulary) (4) death: ending the life of one of the six Tao. For humans, most of them are the life of the human Tao and a process of entering the other Tao. Because there are differences between the six Tao, there is no direct communication and communication between the Tao and the Tao. Death means entering the other Tao after the liquidation and end of the good and evil acts of one of the six Tao, most of which are hell Tao and a few are God Tao. This means that we have completely lost contact with someone, thus blocking the basic communication and emotional expression between people. For example, human Tao and animal Tao cannot communicate directly, and you and your pet cannot achieve the same barrier free communication between people.

      From the medical point of view, overeating (hungry ghost Road), drinking (indulgence), and eating a lot of red meat (killing animals); Greed, anger and Madness (anger) are not conducive to health. This also just confirms the theory of karma in Buddhism: that is, if you carry out negative behaviors or activities, you will get bad consequences.

      It can be seen from the above that modern science, especially from the perspective of Physiology or medicine, largely supports the Buddhist view of human dilemma.

      As mentioned in introduction to Buddhism, meditation is divided into three realms: desire, color and non color. The Buddhist Classic Heart Sutra specifically expounds the process of human beings from desire to color and then to non color. In other words, the promotion of human mind is a process from desire to six senses, and then to the transcendent state of emptiness or selflessness.

      So does modern science support the Buddhist view of the human mind? According to scientific common sense, it is not difficult for us to find that the answer is yes.

      The core viewpoints in Buddhism are: Six Tao, reincarnation and the theory of three realms. Among them, the six ways include: three evil ways: Hungry Ghost Road, hell road and beast road; Three good ways: Heavenly God way, human way and Shura way. The three realms include: desire, color and non color. Thoughts such as emptiness and selflessness belong to the category of colorless boundary.

      Next, I will find examples in biology, physics, psychology and physiology to support the above Buddhist Views: (1) it is not difficult to understand in Physics: the form of matter can be transformed into each other, which confirms the reincarnation theory in Buddhism. Carbon in plants can be transferred into carbon in organisms over a long period of time. Scientific theory tells us that ruthless beings can be reincarnated into sentient beings. (2) In Darwin\'s theory of evolution, human beings evolved from monkeys. Monkeys belong to the animal Tao in the six Tao, and humans belong to the human Tao in the six Tao. It is necessary to accumulate certain good causes from the animal Tao to the human Tao. This process is essentially an evolution. This provides a basic basis for the reincarnation of the six Tao samsara in Buddhism. (3) Psychoanalyst Freud\'s psychodynamic theory points out that the spirit is divided into three kinds: ID (representing desire and restrained by consciousness), ego (the idea of dealing with problems) and superego (conscience and moral judgment). This corresponds to the desire boundary, color boundary and non color boundary in Buddhism. Most of the religious provisions of Buddhism belong to the superego. Becoming a Buddha or a Bodhisattva belongs to the realm of reaching the superego. (4) According to physiological research, emotion is mostly caused by the joint action of humoral regulation and neural regulation. The selfless realm in Buddhism is likely to refer to the training result of human beings\' threshold improvement of their own neural regulation and humoral regulation. This is also a learning process from instinct to acquired behavior.

      In conclusion,first of all, Buddhism is the theoretical basis of modern science. As we all know, causality is the most basic logical principle proved by many scientific theoretical studies. Without causality, 90% of the logical process of proof cannot be carried out. Secondly, part of science is the practical expansion of Buddhism. The Buddha taught us in the Lengjia Sutra that Mahayana Bodhisattva should practice the five Ming. The so-called five Ming, namely, inner Ming, cause Ming, statement, medical prescription Ming and craftsmanship Ming. The brief explanation is as follows:
      1; Neiming: it includes the Dharma reality of emotional body and mind, including the three Mahayana Bodhi. II; Yinming: including logic, philosophy, and other humanities. III; Statement: including various languages, words and literature. IV; Medical prescription: including medical skills, medicine, that is, medicine. V; Gongqiaoming: including various process technologies. Thirdly, Buddhism and some sciences complement and perfect each other. The Vajra Sutra says: \"All sentient beings are like eggs, foetuses, dampness and metaplasia. This view coincides with the basic view in modern taxonomic biology. Finally, as a sentence in the Buddhist Classic sayings says: one flower, one world, one leaf and one Bodhi. The world around us not only exists in the sun earth moon system, but also in the small thousand world, the middle thousand world and even the world The concept of a vast world. This world view of the surrounding world and the macro world is also described in the Huayan Sutra.

      Reference source:
      1. Literature:
      Biography of Buddha
      Introduction to Buddhism (general education textbook of Oxford University)
      Heart Sutra
      Vajra Sutra
      Detailed explanation of Lengjia Sutra
      Huayan Sutra
      2 course materials:
      Week 6 course videos:
      (1)Essentialism and Emptiness(28min)
      (2)Not-Self as Inter connection(23min)

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