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78、2024-7-16 ...

  •   Hibit
      N习惯 例:Washing hands after lunch is a good habit.

      N拘谨 例:She was shy at first,but overcame her inhibition once she got to know him.

      V积攒 例:He accumulates wealth for future use.

      V表演 例:The singer is performing on the stage.
      例:A band is performing on the stage.

      Contented (state:N州、状态)
      ADJ满足的 例:He is so contented with his state of life.
      例:The couple enjoyed a contented relaxing life after retiring.

      Shy away from (conversation:N谈话)
      PHR回避 例:The child shies away from making conversation with others.

      Demand (equilibrium:N平衡 equals:V平衡)
      N满足 例:The market comes into equilibrium when demand equals supply.

      V满足 例:The boy went to a fast food restaurant to satisfy his desire for a hamburger.

      Statistics (results:N结果 prove:V证明)
      N统计 例:He is checking the results of the statistics .
      例:I use facts and statistics to prove my point.


      Elite (pyramid:N金字塔)
      N精英 例:Onlu few elites can make it to the top of the pyramid.

      ADJ松弛的 例:The rope was slack,so he was able to escape。

      N夫妻 例:The young spouse planned to travel abroad.
      例:My spouse and I have been married for many years.

      N倒置 例:In inversion yoga poses,the heart is higher from the ground than the head.

  • 昵称:
  • 评分: 2分|鲜花一捧 1分|一朵小花 0分|交流灌水 0分|别字捉虫 -1分|一块小砖 -2分|砖头一堆
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