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76、2024-4-21 ...

  •   Marked
      ADJ明显的、有记号的 例:It is marked that he ate the cake.
      例:The tallest boy is marked in the bus line.

      Beneath (breathe:V呼吸)
      PREP在**下方 例:Most of the iceberg is beneath the water.
      例:Most of the iceberg is beneath the sea surface.

      V唤起 例:Being aroused from sleep is the beginning of his day.

      V宣布 例:The priest declare the couple husband and wife.
      例:I now declare this meeting open。

      Vt唤醒 例:Being aroused from sleep is the beginning of his day.
      Beat record race
      V打败 V/N记录 N比赛

      ADV坚持地 例:it will rain persistently this month

      Draw on
      PHR利用 例:The order boy can draw on his past experience to help his little brother.

      Appreciation (expressed:V表达 appreciate:V欣赏、感谢 nature:N大自然 nurture:V/N养育)
      N感激、鉴赏例:My dog expressed its appreciation of the food I gave it.
      例:Appreciation of art is a skill that needs to be nurtured。

      V/N估计 例:The worker estimates the cost of the repairs.
      例:The man is estimating the value of the watch.

      Homely (warthog:N尤猪)
      ADJ不好看的 例:The homely dog has no friends.
      例:The warthog was so homely,only another warthog could love him.

      N拒绝 例:She was in denial and wouldn’t believe the bad news.

      V哭泣 例:The little baby girl is crying。

      Figure (maintain:V保持)
      N身形 V想出 例;She maintains her figure by doing yoga。

      N手指 例:He showed me three fingers。

      Upload (load:V装载)
      V上传 例:He is uploading information from his smartphone。

      V下载 例:You can use the internet to download apps,music,movies,and more.

      (credit:N荣誉 card:N卡 a credit card:信用卡)

      V捐献 例:I donate blood to help those who need it。

      V切除 例:Before serving smoked salmon,excise the bones with a very sharp knife。

      V改变例:Her face has altered over these years

      ADV后来 例:I’ll call you later after the meeting。

      Observant (tail:N尾巴)
      ADJ机警的 例:The observant cat noticed a movement could it be a mouse’s tail?

      Excess (bin:N垃圾箱)
      ADJ额外的 例:A man threw the excess chickpea into the bin after dinner.

      ADJ敢于冒险的 例:She is a bold and fearless climber

      ADJ流血的 例:“I may bleed to death”,the watermelon’s last words。

      ADV迅速地 例:The river flows rapidly。

      Even if
      PHR即使 例:He had to word even if he was injured.

      Even (match:N比赛 neither:既不、两者都不 defeat:N打败)
      ADV甚至 ADJ:实力相当的例:It was an even match so neither side could defeat the other。

      V抱歉N懊悔 例:The woman regrets buying too muchclothing。

      V/N答复 例:I sent her many messages,but she replied with only one word。

      Supervisor (overseeing:V监督 construction:N建筑 progress:N/V进步)
      N管理员 例:The supervisor is overseeing the construction progress。

      V/N邀请 例:The house agent invited us in to have a look at the house。

      Recover (gradually:ADV逐渐地 injury:N伤害)
      V痊愈、重新获得例:The young man gradually recovers from his injury。

      Discover (vase:N花瓶 dynasty:N王朝)
      V揭露 例:The expect discovered a vase from the Tang dynasty。
      ADJ滑稽的例:The woman is reading a comic book。

      N安慰 例:To the relief of the patient,the doctor told him everything is fine。

      Examine (climate:N气候)
      V调查 例:His report examine the possible effects of climate change。

      N考试 例:The students are taking an exam。

      Depression (divorce:N/V离婚 sink:N水槽V下沉 barely:ADV几乎不 slept:V睡觉sleep的过去式)
      N抑郁 例:after the divorce she sank into a deep depression;she barely ate or slept。

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