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5、thank you for liking me ...

  •   Dear Ye Ge
      To be honest, I never know what is love, what is admiration. What I understand as love are all in dramas and novels. In these novels, the love, hatred are so deep and memorable, but real life is just like water, we ordinary people seldom face the choice and dilemma as in these masterpieces. But what is love in real life?
      In my memory, my father and mother are never happily married. They have lived separately for several years since I was in high school. Even when I was in elementary school, they never lied in one bed. My father said this is because he snores at midnight, and my mother has trouble sleeping when interrupted . But my father already do not snore since he put on the snore-ceasing equipment .
      2 years before, when I saw them lie in one bed, having a nap after my grandfather’s funeral, I feel so unreal. I really hope that they can get together after my mother take good care of me and accompanied me when my father is too busy with taking care of my grandfather. But I was wrong, since then, my father seldom go back to their house but instead accompanied my grandma unless my grandma has accompany.
      My little aunts’s husband also notice the strange things between them. He said my parents are “playing” couples. I think this description is very appropriate. my mother only “playing” my father’s wife in spring festival or dinner party. Actually, she did a good job as an “actor”. Several years before, when my grandma was Ill , my mother visited her and helped to wash my grandma’s feet. Other patients in the ward said : is this your daughter, she is so filial!” “she is actually my daughter in law” other patients were so envy of this.
      Another important example for love is my grandparents. My grandfather is talented, loving, amiable, with grace and kind. My grandma is industrious, with ambition and very sensible. My grandma is extrovert while my grandfather is introvert. They played chess together, my grandma cook the food wheaten food, my grandpa is excellent at cooking meat and dishes. My grandma helped me with my drawings and articles and my grandma was also a high school math teacher and teaches me math and writing.
      They accompanied each other for 62 years. Although they sometimes have quarrels but they could reconcile easily, with the reasonable one wins or the one who lose temper to apologize. They are excellent in cultivating children, my father and uncle, and aunts are good at working and loving their own children, and visited them frequently with their own little family.
      What I learn from them is “ complement”. I think the most beautiful words for love confession is the one in “ pride and prejudice “ by Jane Austen.
      “你完整了我的人生” 你使得我们彼此完美。

      I am indeed a coward, I am sensitive and cannot control my feelings well. Since I have saw my sister being emotionally hurt and tortured by a man so badly that she got mental disease for more than one year. the failed loving and hurt made she lost her work because she cannot concentrate, she got in hospital for several months and go to several cities to treat the disease. I am not as strong as her, not as optimistic as her, if the same thing happened, if I was also faced with a boy graduated from Peking university and very handsome, I could also jump in love very quickly, so I could only be more severely hurt. I could enjoy life alone rather than being tortured by a bad man. So I determined to know a person better before any important decisions being made.
      So thank you, thank you for giving me time to know you and help me regain the strength to believe in love, to try to build an intimate relationship with you.
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第5章 thank you for liking me

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