As we all know, we human beings are experiencing unprecedented challenges. In order to continue human civilization, we have decided to go forward with the best.Go to a new home. (众所周知,我们正面临着前所未有的挑战。为了延续人类的文明。我们决定带着最先进的机器人和栋梁之材离开地球,前往新家园。)
And our great astronomers have discovered that there is a new planet suitable for human habitation 5000 light-years away from the earth. (而我们伟大的天文学家们,已经发现在距离地球5000光年外,有一颗新的适宜我们人类居住的星球) 众人哗然。
Do you think it's incredible? I think so too. But now we have to face the fact that the new planet can't hold so many people. So I decided to leave the old robots and some people who are no longer useful to society and have committed the most heinous crimes on the earth. We leave Earth for a new home with the most advanced robots and pillars. (是不是觉得不可思议,我也这么觉得,但是现在我们还要面临一点,就是新的星球装不下这么多人口。所以我决定将旧的机器人和一些对社会已经没用,罪大恶极的人留在地球上。我们带着最先进的机器人和栋梁之材离开地球,前往新家园。)
If you think there is no problem, let's vote by a show of hands! (要是觉得没有问题,大家就举手表决吧!)
最后大多数人还是同意这样做。 也事实证明人都贪生怕死。在绝对的利益面前都是无比得自私自利。
OK, the minority is subordinate to the majority. We will leave on December 30th. Of course, if any of you want to stay, I have no objection. (OK,少数服从多数。我们将于12月30号离开。当然你们之中要是有人想留下来,我也不反对)