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1、Life ...

  •   I
      “Did you do this? ” she asked, arms around her chest. When I looked at her, she narrowed her eyes. That was the first thing I killed when I was four. I choked the rabbit.
      “You didn't mean to, ” she said.
      I wanted the rabbit to stay inside. It was always running away. I pinched it hard between two window gaps. That rabbit was pinned all over the place.
      She came a little closer and said, “we'll give it a good burial.”
      I tugged on her coat tails and held on to my statement.
      How strange.
      Rabbits also bark.
      The dying sound was like tires running over plastic. I thought it was the sound of an old, rusty window. I threw it away and splashed it into the dirt, sucked down the liquid left on my fingers. The liquid ran down the front of my shirt, leaving a wet trail. Even my hands were small at the time. But the liquid tasted so good.

      When she found me in the stinking gutter, so the story goes, I was naked, with a pink tongue, pointy tiger teeth, and covered in hair. She was childless and had no mate. She wanted to be good to whoever she found.
      When did you ever hear of a human child with canines and long hair?
      I don't like to wear shoes and socks and like to walk barefoot on the floor. walking without sound, cat-like, animal-like. Maybe it's just my nature.
      She was poor and hidden in this old rental house. The house is small, only two rooms, the bedroom and the toilet. Only twenty square feet in total, and it's a struggle to cram the furniture all in. I sat next to her, dug holes in the narrow single bed and pulled the mattress through. Until the mattress on my side was empty and I had to sit on the floor.

      When I was five years old, I took a stick and wrote in the sand that I was the devil's daughter.
      Behind it was my mother.
      She sighed. “Do you feel bad about being adopted?”
      I poked the stick into the sand and turned my back on her, listening to the opening sound of the blood packet she removed from her pocket. My stomach rumbles.
      “Come on, ” she said, reaching her hand around my shoulder holding an IV tube. “Even little devils need to eat.”
      I nibbled on her finger. She laughed and rolled over onto her back in the sand. Whenever I would offer her a handful of broken shells, she always said good job! I could stomp on the dead fish with both feet and squeal with excitement. She would hug me and pat my round belly.

      She's dying.
      Neighbors talked about how vampires were completely immune to disease. They only carried and spread germs when they "dined". The diseases in their bodies were not even treated.
      “No wonder vampires were hunted by humans,” the neighbor woman was amazed.
      I scoffed at the rumor.
      She was dying.
      Patients with the bubonic plague had achy joints, ugly, swollen lymph nodes, and they coughed up blood.

      The source of the infection was blood, blood that she had been exposed to that was brought back for me. She was infected with the bubonic plague.
      Her condition was becoming worse.
      She did not let out a wail. But she seemed too tired, just tears, little by little, slipped out of her eyes. All it took for a human to become a vampire was one bite. Giving her vampirism did not seem to me to be in keeping with the vampire blood rules in my memory.
      She died.

      Humans attributed the plague to the vampires. Many priests in Europe administered the sacrament to drive out the vampires.
      I have no more ocean, breath, sheets. Such things along with other goodness that I have removed. Finally I got rid of the proud mother.
      It became a plague nightmare for humankind.

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