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1、 Part I ...

  •   Great wind blowing in sight, the roofs are flying in the sky. The sudden typhoon is trying its best to destroy, nobody can stop it, there is no way. I can see from the iron door, from my metal room. I am nobody, but a criminal, in the last day of the world, nobody survives, but I did. The prison is indestructible, to prevent criminals as I escape by totally destroy the walls or the doors.
      But now, in the end, they saved us, these walls, doors worked as what they were initially designed, to protect people, they did. I see an officer's room's roof is gone, too. This sure is a crazy and dangerous game, that guy is bending over a chair now, and his coffee pot is swirling in the air.
      I wish just now I have a little camera in my hand, so I could take everything down. This exciting scene, not for any reasons, just to memorise myself how lucky I am.

      Thinking of I am just here for another 1 week left, I felt sorry. I came in because a sieries of murder. Unequally, I'm not sentenced to death, I'm just going to stay in jail for 140 years. I feel the unfair of the world. I don't know what actually happened to me, but I at least know I was not fairly sentenced.
      In the past 139 years, I saw all kinds of things. Criminals here fought for food, for a shovel, or maybe for a couple minutes in the shower room. I learnt how to keep myself alive here, but it took me 2 years. Somehow now, I'm really happy that I'm in jail, in the protection of the 'law'.
      Say honestly, I hated the law when I first came in. But not only me though, everbody who first came in did. Anyways, I believe, right now, every criminial in jail felt thankful, to law, to the sentence, to the judge.

      At present, another thing bothers me. How did this happened? I meant the wind. From my knowledge, there shouldn't be any typhoon in this season and this part of Earth. Where the jail is built, here, is in the flattest plane on Earth. Far away from any civilization, there's a jungle, a river, quite a few mountains at the outer part of the area. The weather is routineable. There is always a day raining in a week, and we can feel the heat of summer and the freeze in the winter, everything should be natural, how could there be such a huge typhoon in this part of time, in this part of Earth.
      Or say, is this the end of the Earth? Calmly, I sit beside the bars, made for prisoners to look outside. The sky is dark, wind made my hair fly behind, it's not very cold, but the wind still makes people can't sit straight. The clouds above are moving fast, exactly covered the sun, it should be very thick then, I thought.
      Looking south from my window, I soon found something flying fast towards me. 'What that could be...' But after it flying nearer, I soon find myself in danger, clear as I can see, it is a truck, a 8x8 wheel truck, often seen in American highways, but howcome here? No time for me to figure that out, it came. It is just like looking at a huge piece of iron crashing right into my face, but just then, it fell at my neibour's wall, and flew by.
      'Are you fine?' I asked. This guy has stayed as my neibor for about a centry, we are friends, at least, we think so.
      'Do I look fine, pal?' He muffled his head, which got hit by a piece of flying iron coming in from the bars.
      'Good enough to stay alive?' I asked as I joked.
      'Sure do.' He said as reply, as a reply to a joke.

      Nothing fly over and hit after the truck, I mean no big things, there was a bunch of bottles and sardine cans flying over, which didn't bother at all. It's already half past six now. My old pal is not here, he is probably at the clinic. He said the injury really hurt. We already had dinner, it was fine, but we could feel the food was all overheated. I think it's mostly because of the wind made the fire too big, but who cares.
      The wind did not stop yet, I can hear the noise of flying paper bags and the crashing sounds made by flying cans and bottles. Also, I'm a little worried of those securities outside. Their room is not so good, I don't think they are able to bare it. But, I can't say. I am already an old man, sometimes I think of death. The world is still changing, as the science develops the world should be exactly different from what I remembered. I don't want to die now, not until I see the new world.

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