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37、英文4 ...

  •   翻译:门咔哒一声关上了,房间安静了下来。一阵微风飘过,拉扯着窗帘,带来了淡淡的雨点。雨滴很小,不足以引起注意,但仍然在那里。它们轻轻地落在他的皮肤上,如果他没有那样敏锐的感官,几乎听不见。但他确实有敏锐的感官,这才是最重要的。他的眼睛从他们闭上的地方飞快地睁开。他不记得一开始就睡着了,甚至不记得上床睡觉。









      原文:The door clicks shut and the room falls silent. A gentle breeze floats through, ruffling the curtains and bringing with it a faint hint of rain. The raindrops are small, not enough to be noticeable, but there nonetheless. They fall lightly on his skin, almost inaudible if he didn’t have sharp senses like that. But he does have sharp senses and that’s what matters most. His eyes flutter open from where they had been closed. He doesn’t remember falling asleep or even getting into bed in the first place. It must have been the rain.
      In the corner of the window is another window. It looks out onto the street. From the corner of the window you can see the people walking by and their heads moving as they walk. People walk up and down the sidewalk below, all of them going about their daily business. The rain has slowed to just a light drizzle, but the sky is still dark. If you look hard enough, you can see the moon and stars peeking out from the clouds overhead. It’s beautiful, but it’s also a bit creepy. There’s no way the people who live here actually enjoy having the sky above them at night because they are all so damn loud. It’s so much noise pollution, the sound bouncing off the walls of the houses and causing everyone to hear it all the time. Not that there isn’t any good music, but it sounds like the whole world is screaming right now.
      It’s just that they know how loud the streets can get. How loud everything can become. And it makes him angry sometimes. Just thinking about it makes him angrier than usual. He doesn’t mean to think it. He knows it’s a bad idea to think such things. To hate people like this, but he can’t help himself. He can’t help hating people who do this to others. Who hurt other people. He hates them. So, so much.
      He sits up. It doesn’t take long for his mind to go back to those times when he used to watch movies with his father. It was just the two of them, sitting in front of the television watching movies, laughing and smiling. Sometimes they would play games and he’d win, but he’d always make sure to apologize afterwards before he did. Always. He knew that was rude. Even more so since his dad died. It wasn’t fair. His dad shouldn’t have to die, but then again he should have never let this happen to him. It’s not right.
      But, he still remembers being little and wanting his dad around. All he could really remember though was the feeling of safety and security his dad gave him when he held him. When he sang songs to him as they sat together watching TV. He remembered how nice it felt to lay his head against his dad’s chest as he hugged him close. Or how comfortable it felt when he slept curled up against him. It made him feel safe, warm, loved. He remembers the days when his dad would just hold him and sing him songs. It made him feel safe. It made him happy. He remembers the nights when he would tell stories about growing up with his parents. His mom would read some sort of book while his dad and he sat on the couch talking about how their lives were, about how lucky they were to have each other.
      It was nice. Being able to spend time with someone who loved him unconditionally. Someone who cared about him deeply. It was nice knowing that one day he might get a chance at a family like that. It was nice knowing that someone would love him unconditionally. That someone would care about him. That someone would want to be with him. That someone would want to be with him forever. That someone would want to be with him. That someone would care for him. That someone would want to be with him. That someone would want to be with him. That someone would care for him. That someone would want to be with him. That someone would care for him. That someone would want to be with him.
      That person.
      It’s him. It’s always been him.
      And now… now he’s gone. Forever. He’s gone for good. Gone forever.

  • 作者有话要说:  又是英文,嘿嘿,小梦写的英文感觉还不错啊,也不知道它从哪里学的。

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