“……you know,when a woman say'no',when her actions say no,it is not a subtle,unreadable thing at all……”
“……the law of sexual assault,it spins on the wrong axis,a woman's experence of sexual asssult, it does not fit the male-defined system of truth……the law has been shaped by generations and generations of men……”
陈玥越来越顺畅,她沉浸其中。 溺水的人在拼命借助浮板游向岸边。
林挽准备让她停止,苏落星却示意不要中断。 不管成功与否,事情总要有始有终的结束。
“they fight back in a manner distinct from the way that men fight.yet once we see,i mean ,we cannot unsee,can we?”
——“……and i will not be silenced.All that i konw is that...”(我不会沉默,我只知道,)