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2、第 2 章 ...

  •   The servant walked near to me.
      People were all gazed on me.
      It must be my illusion.

      The servant greet to me politely and present the golden crown on my hand.
      We all gasped, there must be something wrong with it. The king must took me wrong into a girl. Arabian man all wear long white clothes and a long muffle, perhap he mistook my deep-green shirt in a famale clothes, let alone I didn’t wear a beard, you know, all Arabian men all wear long big beard.

      “Take back your crown and tell your king that I am a man, he must make a mistake of it.”

      The man went back to the king and said something to the king, but he went back to me after a few minutes.

      “I’ve told the His Majesty what you said, but His Majesty didn’t believe it, and His Majesty said he would never make any mistake, and he know who is the one he want for a queen. And he is very sure you are the one, so now you are the queen of Auson.” He put the gold crown on my head.

      Every one knee dwon and extol the wise king and his new beatiful queen.
      I was very angry, I had never saw such a arrogant and supercilious man. What did it mean that he would never be wrong, he even don’t care about other person’s feeling.

      The arrogant pig!

      The king had claim a wedding after a week, and a festival of the whole empire.

      We were all took to the magnificent palace and treated as the most important gest.

      “What a beautiful palace it is! Wish you would live happily here.” Grant said.

      “How could you say that, you are my best friend, you wicked fellow.” I got more and more angry with all of them.

      I must explain to the king myself, the mistake would be more and more serious, I can’t wait to see the king.

      They didn’t wait very long time untill I saw the king.

      The door opened, the king appear in his luxury white silk garment dorated with gold, jewelly and precious stones, followed by his numerous attendants chamberlains and soldiers.
      I stand up, to explain.

      But he didn’t give me any time to explain, he told the soldiers to take me into the bedroom he had prepared for me.
      The arrogant pig!

      The door was locked when the soliers had drag me into the luxury bedroom they prepared to me.
      What is the way they treat me!
      They all pigs!

      The king seemed to have some thing to say with my friends, but what they would talk about, I don’t know.

      All things had gone wrong, if I don’t explain to him, the situation must be more and more serious.

      Damn it! What had happened, I couldn’t even belive it.

      The arrogant appeared in the end when it was nearly in the mid-night.

      “I had waited you for nearly a whole night. I have something improtant to talk with u” I don’t want to waste my time.

      “I’m very happy that you want so much to see me, you are anxious to be my bride, it really make me happy.”

      The arrogant pig!

      What did he think about me?

      He came nearer and nearer to me, that I was nearly stick onto the wall, there is nearly no room between us, I could feel the hot air he breathe out, I was a little akwark and flushed, he made me feel depressed.

      “Thank the Lord for presenting you in front my sight, you are so charming! I have never me one who I want so much.”

      I could see bared aspire burning in his eyes, His sight was straight and bold, like burning fire set on my face, I couldn’t see him straightly.

      “ To share all the honor I have as a emperor, be my bride and be my Queen, you are so beautiful, can worth all the praise in the world. My beauty.”
      He came so near that I feel I can’t breathe and his lip was nearly attach to mine.

      I block him from coming nearer by my hand.

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