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1、第 1 章 ...

  •   All that he want is a warm spirit which can let him felt he was still alive in this ice-cold material city. He nearly got drown, in every business combat. He needs to felt the blood was running to demonstrate that he was still alive. He wants something pure and true, even it is quite simple, but really touching.

      She had never imaged to have a lover like him, he is far, far better than she could image, out of the range she could reach, high on the top of the cloud. He is perfect in all’s eyes, a perfect man with all thing others want to achieve, success, fortune, big power and good looking, all this make him splendid, glorious and out of reach, but she knew in his deep soul, he is a little child who had never grown up, fragile and need to be take care of, easy to draw her passion.

      She knew she is hopeless to have his love, she never thought she could, but she could not help to fill in love with him, not because he’s perfect, but his fragile, he need petting in the deep of his soul, she just could not help to care for him, deep inside his splendid appearance, he is really lonely. She never hoped he could take an eye on her, just stay silent by his side, accompany him with his every over time working hour; buy every snake for him at the noon; take a cup a coffee for him while he is tired; cover him with a piece of clothes when he fill asleep…

      She was desperately depressing her feeling for him, all it was a kind of extravagant hope, how could she image his love for her? Never! It’s impossible! She told herself million times in her heart. She was too simple, too simple to draw the attention from him, just became a console by his side, and let the hopeless love became a memory to regret after she grew old.

      How could he felt he has the special feeling for this girl, she is quite simple, too simple to draw him attention, every girl by his side is more beautiful than her. Why the one special is she? She is quite silent, stay at the corner and appear whenever he needs her, never spoke when uncalled. Impressed him the most is her pure big eyes, fairly slim figure and long black hair. She seemed nothing-extraordinary appeal to a man like him. But why he felt he must see her by his side everyday and every minute. He was used to her being his side, whenever she is out of his sight range, he felt anxious. Is she just a console to him? But how could he explain to his obvious hostility to every man attend to approach to her.

      Perhaps, sometimes, give up is the best choice. Pretend she didn’t miss him again, as if she has forgot who he was, it’s deep in her mind that his love is a kind of luxury for her. Leave him seemed like a kind of escape. Hide in the obscure little town when she felt she would never see him again made she thought she is safe in her heart. Did her really safe? Why the pain in her heart always stabbed her bitterly like a thorn when she stay alone by the come of night. Is she still has the extravagant hope in her heart? Even know it’s impossible.

      As a man proud and independent like him, he was reluctant to submit his wanting her, want her every minute and could leave her. She is nothing special, but she the only one wisp of sunshine in his heart, and the only thing made him warm in the ice-cold world. He would die for the touch of the warm feeling like her. He was just flowing body in the flowing city. She is nothing special, but she is pure and warm, the only precious thing in his mind in the world. In the material world, in the ice-cold city, she is the only thing pure and true! The warm in his frozen heart! When he had tired of all, she can still make him fresh.

      How could he submit to his indispensability for her? How could he have such a fatal weakness? He could have no weakness! He was told so many times when he grew up.
      He was reluctant to admit he want her. When he want to find a way to her to stay, he find it’s too late. She disappeared, as if she had never appeared, as if she was the dew in the morning. No trace to follow. If he were given one more chance, he would not let her go.

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