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1、第 1 章 ...

  •   Ansia was looking a book about the measure method of the agriculture field and the blood, the blood is disaster could bring damage but if made proper use, it can take good harvest.

      Golden sunshine filter in wisp by wisp like silk flowing on the air, cut by the leaves and drop shadow on the white marble floor.

      Flower was blooming, fragrance flow in the air.

      Among them, the shadow of the slim figure was splendiferous. The figure was melt into the atmosphere, enjoying all of surrounding.

      Summer sunshine was shining on her fair face, which turned lucent, like the snow in the winter days.

      As the daughter of the prime minister, Ansia was fairly intelligent, erudite and learned; she was qualified of many luggages and read books from geography to history and poems.

      Among the books in her father’s library, she had seen a book talk about the magic power, but she knew little about it, though she had read it to the end, she didn’t not quite understand it, perhaps it just write about some kinds of illusion.

      She want to went out to enjoy the fresh air, but she must made herself seemed simpler, a noble girl strolled on the road would surely draw the attention from everywhere.

      Changed into clothes of her servant, she slipped out.

      Walking along the familiar way she had went for many times, she arrived at a wood after little time, a brook was flowing soundly, Ansia took out her shoes and enjoyed the cool water around her feet, felt relaxed and pleasant.

      Along the brook, she had walked for a long time, till the sunset, the red rays covered half of the sky. She had not walked for so far before, and a little scared. It would soon become dark and a girl single in the wood would be very dangerous.

      It became darker and darker and she could not see the way clearly, she was very anxious, what should she do?

      Groped in the wood for some time, she was frightened to find that she was lost.

      At the edge of despair, she saw a faint light appeared in the wood. Hope raised in her heart, towards the lights, she would find a place to spend the night and perhaps there would be some kind people who would take her in.

      With the destination, she moved quietly towards the light, soon she find a wall, golden rays came out of it, she could heard the voice of some young maid’s chat and laugh.

      She was very happy to find it, but she could not find the gate, the wall was so long and she still hadn’t find a door to get into it after walking along it,

      What could she do? If she still could not get into it, she was puzzled, a sudden thought came into her head, out side the wall, there were many tall trees she could climb onto the tree and jumped into the courtyard.

      How to explain if they asked? She hesitated.

      She could think about it after she jumped into the courtyard.

      With this Thinking she climbed onto the tall tree and she felt a little afraid, for the wall was very tall. She was very neat but a little scared of height.

      No choice! She moved onto the top of the wall and jumped down into the courtyard.

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