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5、Mutational landscape of metastatic cancer ...
We analysed the mutational burden of each class of variant per cancer type based on the tissue of origin.
In line with previous studies on primary cancers, we found extensive variation in the mutational load of up to three orders of magnitude both within and across cancer types.
The median SNV counts per sample were highest in skin, predominantly consisting of melanoma and lung tumours, with tenfold higher SNV counts than sarcomas, neuroendo-crine tumours and mesotheliomas.
SNVs were mapped to COSMIC (catalogue of somatic mutations in cancer) mutational signatures and were found to broadly match the patterns described in previous cancer cohorts per cancer type.
However, several broad spectrum signatures such as S3, S8, S9 and S16 as well as some more specific signature (for example, S17 in specific tumour types) appear to be over-represented in our cohort.
These observations may indicate enrichment of tumours that are deficient in specific DNA repair processes, increased hypermutation processes among advanced cancers, or reflect the mutagenic effects of previous treatments.
The variation for MNVs was even greater, with lung and skin tumours having five times the median MNV counts of any other tumour type.
This can be explained by the well-known mutational effect of UV radiation and smoking mutational signatures, respectively.
Although only dinucleotide substitutions are typically reported as MNVs, 10.7% of the MNVs involve three nucleotides and 0.6% had four or more nucleotides affected.