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  •   In recent years, several large-scale whole-genome sequencing (WGS) analysis efforts have yielded valuable insights into the diversity of the molecular processes that drive different types of □□ and paediatric cancer and have fuelled the promises of genome-driven oncology care.

      However, most analyses were done on primary tumour material, whereas metastatic cancers—which cause the bulk of the disease burden and 90% of all cancer deaths—have been less comprehensively studied at the whole-genome level, with previous efforts focusing on tumour-specific cohorts or at a targeted gene panel or exome level.

      As cancer genomes evolve over time, both in the highly heterogeneous primary tumour mass and as disseminated metastatic cells, a better understanding of metastatic cancer genomes will be highly valuable to improve on adapting treatments for late-stage cancers.

      Here we describe the pan-cancer whole-genome landscape of meta-static cancers based on 2,520 paired tumour and normal genomes from 2,399 patients.

      The sample distribution over age and primary tumour types broadly reflects the incidence of solid cancers in the Western world, including rare cancers.

      Sequencing data were analysed using an optimized bioinformatic pipeline based on open source tools and identified a total of 59,472,629 single nucleotide variants, 839,126 multiple nucleotide variants, 9,598,205 insertions and deletions and 653,452 structural variants.
第3章 Main

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