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25、Driver mutation catalogue ...

  •   The 189 germline variants identified in 29 cancer predisposition genes consisted of 8 deletions and 181 point mutations.

      The top five affected genes (containing nearly 80% of variants) were the well-known germline drivers CHEK2, BRCA2, MUTYH, BRCA1 and ATM.

      The corresponding wild-type alleles were found to be lost in the tumour sample in more than half of the cases, either by LOH or somatic point mutation, indicating a high penetrance for these variants, particularly in BRCA1, APC and BRCA2.

      The 276 fusions consisted of 168 in-frame coding fusions, 90 cis-activating fusions that involve repositioning of regulatory elements in 5′ genic regions, and 18 in-frame intragenic deletions in which one or more exons was deleted.

      ERG, BRAF, ERBB4, ALK, NRG1 and ETV4 were the most commonly observed 3′ partners, which together make up more than half of the fusions.

      In total, 76 out of the 89 ERG fusions were TMPRSS2–ERG and affected 36% of all prostate cancer samples in the cohort.

      There were 146 fusion pairs not previously recorded in CGI, OncoKb, COSMIC or CIViC databases.

      We found that 71% of somatic driver point mutations in oncogenes occur at or within five nucleotides already known to pathogenic muta-tional hotspots.

      In the six most prevalent oncogenes (KRAS, PIK3CA, BRAF, NRAS, TERT and ESR1), the rate was 97%.

      Furthermore, in many of the key oncogenes, we document several likely activating but non-canonical variants near known mutational hotspots, particularly in-frame indels.

      Despite in-frame indels being exceptionally rare overall, we found an excess in known oncogenes including PIK3CA, KIT, ERBB2 and BRAF frequently occurring at or near known hotspots.

      In FOXA1, we identified ten in-frame indels that are highly enriched in prostate cancer (seven out of ten cases) and clustered at two locations that were not previously associated with pathogenic mutations.
第25章 Driver mutation catalogue

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