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13、Copy number alteration landscape ...
There are remarkable differences in the LOH between cancer types.
For instance, we observed LOH events on the 3p arm in 90% of kidney samples and LOH of the complete chromosome 10 in 72% of CNS tumours.
Furthermore, the mechanism for LOH in TP53 is highly specific to tumour type, with ovarian cancers exhibiting LOH of the full chromosome 17 in 75% of samples, whereas in prostate cancer this is nearly always caused by highly focal deletions.
Unlike LOH events, homozygous deletions are nearly always restricted to small chromo regions.
Not a single example was found in which a complete autosomal arm was homozygously deleted.
Homozygous deletions of genes are also surprisingly rare: we found only a mean of 2.0 instances per tumour in which one or several consecutive genes are fully or partially homozygously deleted.
In 46% of these events, a putative TSG was deleted.
Loss of chromosome Y is a special case and is deleted in 36% of all male tumour genomes but varies strongly between tumour types, from 5% deleted in CNS tumours to 68% deleted in biliary tumours.
An extreme form of copy number change can be caused by whole-genome duplication (WGD).
We found WGD events in 56% of all samples ranging from 15% in CNS to 80% in oesophageal tumours.
This is much higher than previously reported for primary tumours and from panel-based sequencing analyses of advanced tumours.