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10、可参考词汇与句式 - 5 ...
gain 获得 v.
compare 比较 v.
significantly 重大地,显著地 adv.
potentially 可能地,潜在地 adv.
partially 部分地 adv.
overall 全部的 adj.
available 可利用的 adj.
notable 值得注意的 adj.
consistent 一致,如一的 adj.
progression 进程 n.
advancement 前进,进步 n.
gain insight into 深入了解
【例:To gain insight into the overall genomic differences between primary and metastatic cancer... 】
compare…with… 把…和…作比较
【例:we compared the mutational burden in the HMF metastatic cohort with the PCAWG dataset. 】
so far 迄今为止
【例:which, to our knowledge, is the largest comparable whole-genome sequenced tumour cohort available so far. 】
in general 通常,一般而言
seem to be 似乎,好像,看起来
be indicative for 表示
【例:In general, the SNV mutational load does not seem to be indicative for disease progression. 】
be consistent with 与…一致
【例:which is, for prostate cancer, consistent with other reports. 】
by contrast 相比之下
【例:By contrast, the mutational loads of indels, MNVs and SVs are significantly higher across nearly all cancer types analysed. 】
be most notable for… 最值得注意的是…
【例:This is most notable for prostate cancer, in which we observe a more than fourfold increased rate of MNVs, indels and SVs. 】
due to 由于
【例:they are also partially due to differences in sequencing depth and bioinformatic analysis pipelines. 】