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  •   2023年2月27日星期一农历二月初八 癸卯年(兔年) 甲寅月丙辰日宜:动土 订婚 交易 破土 祭祀 订盟 纳采 立券 立券 忌:动土 订婚 交易 破土 祭祀 【23:17,深圳、晴、14--23℃、东风4级】

      1)古筝教学8个★28分钟★28 累计约时
      2)C大调简谱(邓丽君) _钢琴教学,2个★3分钟★31 累计约时
      3)U24-8,9课《分解节奏型学习,2个★3分钟★34 累计约时
      月亮代表我的心The Moon Represents My Heart
      你问我爱你有多深,You ask me how deeply I love you,
      我爱你有几分?How much I love you?
      我的情也真,My heart is true,
      我的爱也真,My love is true,
      月亮代表我的心。The moon represents my heart.
      你问我爱你有多深,You ask me how deeply I love you,
      我爱你有几分?How much I love you?
      我的情不移,My heart is true,
      我的爱不变,My love is true,
      月亮代表我的心。The moon represents my heart.
      轻轻的一个吻,Gently a kiss for me,
      已经打动我的心,Has broken into my heart,
      深深的一段情,Such wonderful days,
      教我思念到如今。Let me think about it for ever~~
      你问我爱你有多深,You ask me how deeply I love you,
      我爱你有几分?How much I love you?
      你去想一想,You can think about it,
      你去看一看,You can remember it,
      月亮代表我的心。The moon represents my heart.

      【BGM0111】直播乐【D】同歌异版-邓丽君:天涯歌女,爱你在心口难开More Than I can Say,阿里山的姑娘,但愿人长久
      1)天涯歌女:周璇原唱,彩色★3分钟★3 累计约时
      2)天涯歌女:邓丽君★3分钟★6 累计约时
      3)天涯歌女:周璇原唱★3分钟★9 累计约时
      4)天涯歌女:(伴奏)-邓丽君★3分钟★12 累计约时
      5)天涯歌女:(89)徐小凤★3分钟★15 累计约时
      6)爱你在心口难开:英文,More Than I Can Say★3分钟★18 累计约时
      7)爱你在心口难开:经典老歌-张蔷★3分钟★21 累计约时
      8)阿里山的姑娘:邓丽君★3分钟★24 累计约时
      9)阿里山的姑娘:□□★4分钟★28 累计约时
      10)阿里山的姑娘:英文版(中文)--Sofia Kallgren★5分钟★33 累计约时
      11)但愿人长久:王菲★4分钟★37 累计约时
      12)但愿人长久:邓丽君★4分钟★41 累计约时
      13)但愿人长久:张学友,邓丽君,王菲★4分钟★45 累计约时
      爱你在心口难开More Than I can Say
      喔~耶~爱你在心口难开woh -- woh -- yeah -- yeah,i love you more than i can say
      我不知应该说些什幺i\'ll love you twice as much tomorrow
      爱你在心口难开i love you more than i can say
      喔~耶~一天见不到你来woh -- woh -- yeah -- yeah,i\'ll miss you every single day
      就好象身边少了什么why must my life be filled with sorrow
      喔~喔~爱你在心口难开i miss you more than i can say
      你可知道我在爱你oh don\'t you know i need you so
      怎么对我不理睬oh tell me please i gotta know
      请你轻轻告诉我do you mean to make me cry
      不要叫我多疑猜am i just another guy
      喔~耶~爱上你在心口难开woh -- woh -- yeah -- yeah, i love you more than i can say
      我不知应该说些什么why must my life be filled with sorrow
      喔~喔~爱你在心口难开oh i love you more than i can say

      1)那英★2分钟★2 累计约时
      2)英文版,罗艺恒,2个★6分钟★8 累计约时
      3)古筝:袁莎演奏青花瓷等★11分钟★19 累计约时
      4)古筝:袁莎演奏教学★11分钟★30 累计约时
      5)古筝:玉面小嫣然★4分钟★34 累计约时

      你的爱抚宛如你执手画笔勾勒1653我肌肤色彩Your touch like brush strokes you hold colour in my skin
      你如传世的青花瓷自顾自美丽The deep blue and pearl white glow like porcelain
      凝视冉冉檀香透过窗心事我了然As I stare clear through the window that I\'m locked within
      我细数时光只为再与你相见I count the seconds to see you again
      你的美恍若一缕飘散,去到我去不了的地方Possessions reach cannot hold beauty such as yours
      你嫣然的一笑如含苞待放Yet still it\'s clouds shroud your light so your petals fall
      记忆中你淡香亲吻恍若依稀只见于画纸Your flowers kiss I reminisce now I only see in picture frames
      天青色等烟雨,而我在等你The sky is crying blue as I wait for you
      心中莫名燃起白亮光影The fire in my heart burning white and true
      炊烟袅袅升起,隔江千万里A thousand miles the smo□□ing high both sides
      你从墨色深处被隐去I see your shadow outlined through
      天际依然漆黑如墨,我自顾自走向你The sky still dark as I make my way to you
      月色被打捞起,晕开了结局White moon light guides our way fields of morning dew
      恍若置身另个自由世界Our world is greener on the other side so free
      似水流年,却是如歌The time is calling
      隐藏在窑烧里千年的秘密自然落了锁Perfection locked and untouched trapped behind this glaze
      光晕的白悠然现于碗底The shining white holds it\'s shape so elegantly
      澄明的蓝交织勾错迷藏的秘密Beautiful blue hides entwined hold it\'s secrets tight
      所有神秘都将藏于瓷底All of it\'s mysteries subdued beneath
      眼眸和真心全为你我设定These eyes have only one mind set upon us two
      我的结局全由你决定My present past and the future reside in you
      即便墨色晕染淡去Although the ink has come to fade
      依旧是亘古的艺术品It\'s art and meaning still remain
      天青色等烟雨,而我在等你The sky is crying blue as I wait for you
      心中莫名燃起白亮光影The fire in my heart burning white and true
      炊烟袅袅升起,隔江千万里A thousand miles the smo□□ing high both sides
      你从墨色深处被隐去I see your shadow outlined through
      天际依然漆黑如墨,我自顾自走向你The sky still dark as I make my way to you
      月色被打捞起,晕开了结局White moon light guides our way fields of morning dew

      1)那英,三生三世十里桃花★5分钟★5 累计约时
      2)电视剧《三生三世十里桃花》凉凉mv完整版★6分钟★11 累计约时
      3)插曲,英文版翻唱,中英字幕版,4个★21分钟★32 累计约时
      4)古筝:曲,伴奏版CCTV15-风华国乐,2个★9分钟★41 累计约时
      5)古筝:青花瓷,袁莎★10分钟★51 累计约时
      6)钢琴:曲,儿童版,3个★14分钟★65 累计约时
      7)钢琴:演奏教学★17分钟★82 累计约时
      8)钢琴:张碧晨,视唱简谱,原声版,王逸涵钢琴曲凉凉女汉子版,4个★16分钟★98 累计约时

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