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2、第二章 ...

  •   “小姐!你怎么?”



      Why do birds suddenly appear
      Every time you are near?
      Just like me, they long to be
      Close to you.
      Why do stars fall down from the sky
      Every time you walk by?
      Just like me, they long to be
      Close to you.
      On the day that you were born
      The angels got together
      And decided to create a dream.e true
      So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold
      And starlight in your eyes of blue.
      That is why all the girls in town
      Follow you all around.
      Just like me, they long to be
      Close to you.
      On the day that you were born
      The angels got together
      And decided to create a dream.e true
      So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold
      And starlight in your eyes of blue.
      That is why all the girls in town
      Follow you all around.
      Just like me, they long to be
      Close to you.
      Just like me
      They long to be
      Close to you.
note 作者有话说
第2章 第二章

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