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17、生日快乐 ...

  •   洗完澡,又在客厅了折腾了一阵,云恋纱才又回到房间,一看时间,已经是11:50了,拉开被子,也是时候睡觉了。他们还小,不比那些奔三的人,长时间高强度的训练都支撑的住,一旦训练过剩,会导致身体各项机能发育迟缓甚至停止,所以良好的休息和营养补充一直是不容忽视的。



      Alizze的声音很美,很有灵气。听到的第一首是La lsla Bonita,轻快的节奏,很快把云恋纱的心情带动了起来。蹭了蹭枕面,看来不用多久就能睡着了。

      过了很长一段时间,CD里正放着一首叫Moi Lolita的歌,云恋纱迷迷糊糊快要睡着了,刚结束,耳机里喀的一声顿住了,接下来便是一片空白。云恋纱以为一盘CD放结束了,正准备按关机,却听到里面传来嘶嘶的声音,她一下子清醒了过来,静静地等了几秒,里面又放出钢琴的声音,优雅磁性的男声也跟着流泻了出来:

      Happy birthday
      Happy birthday to you
      Happy birthday
      Happy birthday to you

      Well, it's time to celebrate your birthday,
      it happens every year
      We'll eat a lot of broccoli
      and drink a lot of beer
      You should be good and happy
      that there's something you can eat
      A million people every day
      are starving in the street

      Your daddy's in the gutter
      with the wretched and the poor
      Your mama's in the kitchen
      with a can of Cycle Four
      There's garbage in the water
      There's poison in the sky
      I guess it won't be long
      before we're all gonna die

      Happy birthday
      Happy birthday to you
      Happy birthday
      Happy birthday to you

      Well, what's the matter little friend,
      you think this party is the pits
      Enjoy it while you can,
      we'll soon be blown to bits
      The monkeys in the pentagon
      are gonna cook our goose
      Their finger's on the button,
      all they need is an excuse

      It doesn't take a military genius to see
      We'll all be crispy critters after World War III
      There's nowhere you can run to,
      nowhere you can hide
      When they drop the big one, we all get fried

      Happy birthday
      Happy birthday to you
      Happy birthday
      Happy birthday to you

      Well there's a punk in the alley
      and he's looking for a fight
      There's an Arab on the corner
      buying everything in sight
      There's a mother in the ghetto
      with another mouth to feed
      Seems that everywhere you look today
      there's misery and greed

      I guess you know the Earth
      is gonna crash into the sun
      But that's no reason
      why we shouldn't have a little fun
      So if you think it's scary,
      if it's more than you can take
      Just blow out the candles
      and have a piece of cake

      Happy birthday
      Happy birthday to you
      Happy birthday
      Happy birthday to you

      And a pinch to grow an inch!














note 作者有话说
第17章 生日快乐

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