盛灿阳掏出手机里,找出一首歌,放了出来,就是刚才在车上的那首《Is that all there Is》,他坐在了海日身边,说道:“演这个,就这首歌。”
前奏响了起来,海日伴随着旋律说道:“这也没有我的词儿啊,不都是你的吗?” “嘘,”盛灿阳把手指放在了嘴边,跟着音乐打着节拍,神色很认真,海日下意识地闭嘴,听见盛灿阳用低沉的声音说出最前面的那串词儿:“I remember when I was a very little girl,our house caught on fire.I\'ll never forget the lookon my father\'s face as he gathered me up in his armsand raced through the burning building out onto the pavement.” 海日忽然间沉静地看着他,忽然感觉这歌词有千万分的重量,他从来没有如此近距离地听过这么富有繁重的艺术美的声音。 盛灿阳低着头,高高的鼻梁在俯视的时候更加优越,短短的睫毛垂下去,看着歌词:“And when it was all over I said to myself,‘Is that all there is to a fire?’Is that all there is?” 海日:“……”
海哥只好道:“只会一点,给我看看歌词。” 盛灿阳把手机递给他,海日看着歌词,轻轻咳了一声,然后跟着唱道:“If that\'s all there is, my friends,Then let\'s keep dancing.Let\'s break out the booze,And have a ball——”