从已接来电的界面退出来,打开手机的音乐随身听。 挪威女歌手Lene Marlin婉转而略微带着磁性的歌声在房间里低低地回响:“Hey what do you think of me now. Am I not like I once were. Still if you don't know me. What's the story of this pen. I guess you're not a stranger. And I can tell you're not a friend. It might take a while but I guess I'll manage waiting till then. Then when you confront me with your thoughts.” 歌曲的旋律如水波般连绵不绝,一阵一阵地向岸边涌过来,柔和轻缓,在耳边回绕不绝。 她将左手伸到半空中,凝视手腕上那串藏青色的佛珠。