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4、第 4 章 ...

  •   The below is just came from my recent reading books and my original major is geography science or you can call it GS. After all, the more professional book by me is the a brief history of time.

      【part 1】
      Some predictions about universe :

      From the Maya relic and the view point of the professors,the mayans neither think that the 2012 is the last year of the world nor predict that it\'s the the end of the world.

      For my part:
      assumption 1:There is something happened which has a negative effect on time disturbing the natural timing.
      assume that wrong photon/energy quantum/proton and any other unknown -ton work as our WeChat(an app likes Facebook) message are full of your phone screen which may lead that the system of universe become sleepless and imbalances. To feedback (including reply、shield、forget)these wrong or untimely message from the universe,the space and the time order presents paralysis model. Thus the natural time can change into longer or shorter.(the best example is that there comes to double a leap year in the specific year of some century.

      assumption 2: Is time a vector?
      assume that time can change its direction and the history is evolutionarily developing as a cycle. We can use it to open a time-space tunnel to fix some errors for human beings preventing the extinction of some creature. However,I don\'t know it\'s a good idea or not.

      assumption 3:the big bang theory
      assume that there is a universe system such as the milky way which from the big bang of the universe.
      There happens to be a event A at Time X:a van filled with the boxes of apples which are packed tidily is driven on the road. Suddenly a traffic accident(big bang)happens. At this time , there comes to some new unexpected cargo(all kinds of substance in the universe)including:a crate of apples/scattered good apples/scattered broken apples on the grass which has nothing(Zero initial state). Because every apple which will have a smooth life cycle if it was\'nt broken by the external force has its own life cycle,some apples are gone on that time(system disappears after collapse)and some still survive commonly(the majority of system is still perfect)
      【part 2】
      Some evidence and assumption about wave-particle dualism:
      particle phase:(image 01)

      phenomenon 1:We are at point A intended to arrive at point B on the basis of map. We feel that the way of going to is longer than the way of back.
      We assume that there is a clockwise gravitational field(assume that time is constant velocity), when people walking as a counter clockwise feels that the time spent on the way becomes longer. Because of the effect of the gravitational field,the light will bend into the shape of gravitational field which means that people is walking into a reverse way. That is to say,if people is walking back when go along with the gravitational field which means to go along with the time\'s direction, he or she can feel the time is becoming sooner.
      phenomenon 2: Watching towards to the pure white marble floor in a room which is full of sunshine,people can feel that there are some abnormal shining and transparent plasmid flying everywhere.

      assume: plasmid is photon

      inference:Light particle shining on the bright and clean and rebounding may be the transparent plasmid.
      wave phase:(image 02)
      phenomenon 1: grating diffraction

      For my opinion:

      assumption 1:

      assume that the distance between peak of wave and trough of wave which can be neglected or just like the hairline having diameter is too short and present to be some particle in scanning tunneling electron microscope ,thus,it confirms particle property.(assume that photon can be divided)

      assumption 2:

      suppose that light is a optical fiber which is transparent,the scanning tunneling electron microscope can only catch the visible part and can not catch the invisible part which is as the same as a optical fiber lantern with the bright end.
      (image 03)

      assumption 3:

      Light travels in a straight line which can bend its way because of gravitational wave or other medium. Just like pour the small balls (every small ball presents a photon)into the wave form flow, we get the wave form light.

      assumption 4:
      suppose the tool we observe the light is just like a camera and photon is like a running athlete. It will be a continuous line of blurred ghosting if the exposure speed of the “camera” is slower than the speed of light.It becomes a shape of wave when you connect the blurred ghosting into a dotted line .(image 04.01\\04.02\\04.03)

      假设光子轨迹 04.02


      As a result of fast speed, the dotted line becomes a solid line just like waving incense quickly.

      【part 3】

      reaction to a book :P127《A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME》 ISBN 978-7-5357-3230-9

      the abstract of the article:The smaller the black hole is,the easier it can be observed.

      It is possible that the tool we used to observed is not big enough.(The radius of Hubble telescope can only observe the part of relatively large black hole.(image 05: the first line :the big black hole; the second line:the tool of observing black hole; the third line: little black hole one; the forth line: little black hole two)

      Yours sincerely,

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