林文然一直在努力听老师的英文,注意力都在耳朵上,一直到英语老师点了她的名字朗读课文,她才站了起来,林文然有些紧张,声音不稳:“Chaplin was born in London in 1889 and first acted when he was five years old. At the age of eight, he joined a group of child dancer……”虽然有些磕绊,但整体也算流利,读到一半,老师示意她坐下,“还不错,要多读多背,磁带不是发了吗?回家再多听听。”说完,她目光落在了靳洛的身上。
靳洛懒洋洋的站了起来,他连书也没拿,直接看着大屏幕,“ During a second trip to the USA in 1912, an important film director saw Chaplin acting a very funny part in a play. As a result, Chaplin got his first film part in the States.”