音乐还在继续,曾经发生的故事随着那些歌词一点一点苏醒鲜活在凯瑟琳的脑海里: “not sure if you know this, but when we first meet,I got so nervous, I couldn’t speak.(不确定你是否还记得,但是我们第一次见面的时候,我紧张得说不出话) In that very moment, I found the one and my life had this missing piece.(在那个特别的时刻,我找到了我的唯一,我生命中缺失的部分) So as long as I live I love you,will have and hold you, you look so beautiful in white.(故此,我对你的爱将至死不渝,我会拥有并珍惜你,穿上洁白婚纱的你,如此明艳动人。) Tonight, what we have is timeless. My love is endless. And with this scream I say to the world, you are my every reason, you are all that I believe in……(就在今夜,我们将拥有永恒。我爱你矢志不渝,我要告诉全世界,你是我所有的可能,是我所有的信仰……)”