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22、后记. ...

  •   后记.

      《Sound of silence》 ---Simon and Garfunkel
      Hello darkness my old friend.
      I've come to talk with you again.
      Because a vision softly creeping.
      Left its seeds while I was sleeping.
      And the vision that was planted in my brain.
      Still remains.
      Within the sound of silence
      In restless dreams I walked alone.
      Narrow streets of cobble stone.
      Neath the halo of a street lamp.
      I turned my collar to the cold and damp.
      When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light.
      That split the night.
      And touched the sound of silence.
      And in the naked light I saw.
      Ten thousand people maybe more.
      People talking without speaking.
      People hearing without listening.
      People writing songs that voices never share.
      And no one dare.
      Disturb the sound of silence.
      "Fools" said I, "You do not know.
      Silence like a cancer grows.
      Hear my words that I might teach you.
      Take my arms that I might reach you.
      But my words like silent rain-drops fell.
      And echoed in the wells of silence.。
      And the people bowed and prayed.
      To the neon God they made.
      And the sign flashed out its warning.
      In the words that it was forming.
      And the sign said "The words of the prophets.
      Are written on the subway walls and tenement halls.
      And whispered in the sounds of silence.

      《Like A Star》---Corinne Bailey Rae
      Just like a star across my sky
      Just like an angel love the page
      You have been to my life
      feel like I'd never be the same
      Just like a song in my heart
      Just like all along my hands
      Oh a little love you
      I still wonder why it is
      I don't argue like this
      with anyone but you
      You do it all the time
      blowing out my mind
      You got this look I can't describe
      You made me feel I'm alive
      when everything else is so fade
      without a doubt you're on my side
      Heaven has been away too long
      gonna find the words to write this song
      Oh your love
      I still wonder why it is
      I don't argue like this
      with anyone but you
      You do it all the time
      blowing out my mind
      yeah da da...
      I've got to understand the way it is
      It's not the secret anymore
      cause we've been through that before
      From tonight and onlyyou the only one
      I've been confused and in the dark
      Now I understand
      yeah ooo...
      I wonder why it is
      I don't argue like this
      with anyone but you
      I wonder why it is
      I won't let my god down
      for anyone but you
      You do it all the time
      blowing out my mind
      Just like a star across my sky
      Just like an angel love the page
      You have been to my life
      feel like I'd never be the same
      Just like a song in my heart
      Just like all along my hand

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