一直害怕扑街影响收藏夹位置而没更文- -今天一看……果然一山还有一山扑,我已经是扑街中的强者了!(喂!)
史密芬:Hey, what do you want?
龙擎天:Fuck you!
史密芬:……Fuck me cann't change things. You won't go out of the house. Do you know how many people in here? Can you kill them all? Balabala...
龙擎天:Before I die, you die first!(之后他把指甲插|进了史密芬的脖子)
史密芬:oh my god! It's hurt! Please! Please! Hold on! I'm begging you! Please!
龙擎天:Damn it! Be quiet, you son of 哔——.