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2、Witch Keeps Promises ...

  •   It’s a crowded market, different stands and people walking and talking. You could see all kind of busy here.
      Before a fruit stall stood a young man waiting for his fruits. In less than five minutes, there were three girls bumped into him accidently and said “sorry”. He answered with a smile all.
      Finally a girl came towards him, stop-and-go, saying hello to him with a bright dimple.
      He then answered with a frown, where were you
      The young lady didn’t say a word, instead gave him a slice of watermelon. He bit one on hers.
      That’s mine, said the girl. She had already eaten it, couldn’t he see
      I didn’t like watermelon. You can have them all now. He got bags from the stall keeper and said to the girl, let’s go, Sealy.
      Sealy finally found her excuses, if you didn’t like it,you didn’t need to bite it.
      If I didn’t try, how could I know I like it or not You told me that.
      Eric, now much taller than her, answered.
      Sealy frowned, did I
      He had a sigh and led her by hand in case of the crowd; I really worried that one dayyou would forget your own name.
      She quickly answered with watermelon full her mouth, I would not forget you.
      Really Eric asked in an unbelievable tone, then told me who was Moona.
      Moona It sounded a little familiar. Sealy frowned hardly.
      Eric had another sigh,you wrote that in your diary. The first day we met I mentioned her to you,you wrote.
      You read my diary! Sealy screamed.
      He shrugged his shoulders in a no-matter attitude; you left it on the table. After I read it I then knew it was a diary. You should write something in the cover.
      Sealy closed her mouth. Eric became more and more butter-tonsil. She usually couldn’t make a response now.
      Well, Moona was of no importance. I remember Mrs. Fitch still. Sealy said in a proud voice.
      Who was she
      Sealy opened her mouth really big, were you kidding
      Eric saw her facial expression and asked, did she have something related to me
      Eric, I thought you should remember. She was your mother. Sealy stopped him in the center of the road.
      He frowned. Sealy couldn’t remember it was when he got this habit from her.
      Well, I didn’t have any memory about her. Eric had no willing to say sorry, but Sealy felt really sorry for him.
      Eric, she spent a while to organize her words—
      Growth was not what you experienced, but what you remembered. You grew up to remember something you should not forget about the life.
      Understand She looked at him serious.
      He looked at her also.
      So that’s the reason whyyou didn’t get old in these 10 years Though taking a diary every day,you forgot things still.
      Sealy was stunned.
      People were hurrying to and pro. They stopped on the road so abrupt, different from all the others.

      Sealy got angry, the first time in 10years.
      For 10 years they were always on the road. They didn’t stop preparing for the journey of course, but Sealy just refused to say a word to Eric for 3 days.
      Eric decided to give in first. He brought a piece of watermelon and knocked at Sealy’s door.
      No answer.
      He opened the door and came in. Sealy sat on the windowsill, glaring at him.
      He lifted the watermelon in his hand.
      Sealy curled her lips in disdain.
      You could go now, without the watermelon.
      Eric closed the door and walked to her, giving her the watermelon. She bit it emphatically. He just couldn’t hold his laugh.
      Actually, Sealy. I saw no reason whyyou got so angry. I was so young when I left home,you shouldn’t ask me to remember everything as a young boy.
      Sealy dropped her eyes and answered in low voice, I knew.
      So He gave her the handkerchief, waiting for her speech.
      Sealy wiped her mouth quietly.
      I just thought that it was unfair. Your mama put all her heart on you, but you gave her nothing.
      Was she If what you said was true, whyyou brought me out so smoothly
      Sealy thought recently it became more and more difficult to answer Eric’s questions.
      She died in the fire, with my father, who spent 7years in the battle and who I had never met before. Eric read her eyes carefully.
      It was all written in your diary. But Sealy, to me they were just simple characters now ‘cause there was nothing in my memory. You wanted me to be a gentlemen with sensitive feelings, should I pretended to be sad, in your preference
      You saved my life, that’s all I cared. You didn’t grow old in 10 years, that’s all I cared. You didn’t tell me everything about you, that was all I cared. It was you who I lived with now. You told me always to look for new scenery forward, so I didn’t look back to entangle in the past. You forgot what you said again
      Sealy felt so fortunate that she didn’t write the deal with the witch in her diary. Eric read all her diaries, apparently.
      I was sorry I invaded your privacy, but I just wanted to know more about you, and me.
      He acted like a poor animal. Sealy couldn’t remember whether he had acted like this before.
      I was not asking for privacy,you knew. I wrote diary to prevent my memory loss. But Eric, I told you nothing because I had nothing to tell you. Like you saw, the diary was all I knew. I travelled to find answers to all questions about me. What I could tell you before I found the answers
      He was frowning again.
      Then did you have the answer to the question about you and me
      What Sealy didn’t get his point.
      Nothing. He stood up, took a good rest and we would have a long way to go tomorrow.

      Raining, raining and raining.
      Sealy couldn’t get accustomed to the sticky circumstance that rain brought and mumbled to herself all the way.
      There was no use keeping the umbrellas. The two were both wet, totally. So Eric just put a big coat above their heads to protect their heads from the big raindrops.
      Suddenly, he found something.
      Hey, Sealy, see A castle.
      Where I needed a rest right now. Could you see the way
      Sealy was extremely tired and she even didn’t have the strength to look far on tiptoe.
      Yeah. No worry. He joined her hand and led the way towards the castle.

      It was a small castle, more like a villa, well-designed. Sealy liked it the first sight she saw it.
      The castle was built all by white walls, witty decorative patterns above it. An artwork combined both modern and ancient, situated in the mountains like a treasure to be discovered.
      It was the castle that could only be found in the fairy tale. Sealy got excited. Where was the princess
      Eric knocked at the door, its owner must love it very much.
      A lady opened the door.
      What could I help you, my boy Asked her softly.
      We lost in the rain. Could we have a rest in your castle Answered Eric politely.
      She peered at Sealy, who was in the full cover of the coat, and nodded her head.
      They entered the castle, the lady leading the way.
      How should I call you
      Eric. And that was Sealy.
      If you were not in a hurry, how about following me to my master, to ask a rest for one night The rain seemed no stop.
      Thank you sincerely, ma’am. It would be our honor.
      Calling me Lily was okay,young boy. Here, this room. Let me introduce you to my little master, Openy.

      Always, there existed a princess in each castle. And finally they met the princess.
      Sealy lost her strength to hold the coat above her. The coat fell down, and Lily’s brief scream appeared in the hall.
      The blonde princess and the black-hair visitor had the same face.
      Openy turned her face at Sealy, with no facial expression. In less than two seconds she turned her eyes away like seeing nothing. The pretty princess kept in silence and acted both like a sculpture.
      The wet clothing seemed so cold to Sealy at this moment.

      Someone entered the hall without their notice.
      Finallyyou came.
      Sealy turned back and took a long time figuring out her face.
      The witch.
      Sealy. She smiled and turned to another side. And Eric, welcome to my castle.
      Who were you Eric showed all his confusion in his face.
      Couldn’t remember I was Moona.
      Something was nearly coming up to Sealy’s mind but it disappeared so soon that she couldn’t catch it.
      And that was my daughter, Openy. She continued the introduction,your fiancée.
      Eric looked at Openy, she was still in the sculpture-like state, reacting nothing to what was happening. He looked at Sealy, hoping an answer.
      But Sealy now, was also asking for answers. She stared at Moona.
      My answer.
      Moona nodded and gave a sincere smile.
      It was so good to see you both safe and sound after all these years. Eric, would you mind borrowing Sealy to me for a moment
      Eric had never felt so intense before. He forced a weak smile, just please remember to return her to me.
      I would, perfectly, said Moona.

      Sealy followed Moona, walking along the endless galleries in the castle.
      Did you still remember our first meet Asked Moona.
      Sealy shook her head first and then nodded. Not clear, that was almost 17 years ago.
      Moona shook her head.
      No, for me, it was 10 years.
      I was the good friend of Susan Fitch, Eric’s mother. I made a promise to protect Eric well when he was born and I should always keep my promise, like all the other witches. But I failed because of a fire destroyed Canya the Manor.
      She looked at Sealy. A magic fire did byyou.
      Sealy frowned, understood nothing she said.
      Eric was dead 10 years ago, if you didn’t appear. But you were also the cause of his death.
      What on earth were you talking about
      Sealy couldn’t control her anger and afraid – the world she used to know was breaking piece by piece, thanks to the witch’s “answer”.
      Please use sentences I could digest.
      Moona looked deep into her eyes, her puzzled pains so apparent.
      Sealy, I was sorry to tell you what you had forgotten; your families were all killed in the War to the Eastern, led by Duke Fitch, Eric’s father. You were the only survivor 17 years ago.
      The only witch who inherited your family’s strong magic.
      Something splashed in her mind – the big fire appeared in her dreams always.
      You revenged, using all your power together with your life cursing the Fitch to die the first day they got reunion.
      Sealy got something finally, trembling.
      So you asked me to finish the deal before the war was end
      Moona nodded.

      She smelled magic in the strange fire and that was the key she found out Sealy. With the help of the strong organized magic, she went back to the past, meeting the girl died 7 years ago lying beside an altar. She understood everything in one moment.
      A witch should always keep her promise.
      The magic was irreversible and beyond her ability. She just needed to bring Sealy back to life, her promise would be kept.
      But like all the other difficult situations, there lied two choices.

      The first time I saw you, Sealy. I realized the special connection between you and Openy—
      You two shared the same soul.
      After your death, born my Openy.
      If I gave back the soul to you to fulfill the promise I made to Eric, which meant to lose Openy.
      Moona’s voice was pretty soft here.
      You knew when I travelled back to find you, my Openy was already 7 years old in the real life; always smile with a dimple in her face.
      How could I sacrifice Openy
      I was a witch, also a mother.
      So the last choice, I used the forbidden magic.
      To separate the precious soul, it really took a great courage.
      I rebuilt a half-backed you using all the innocent part of the soul and sent you to save Eric, because onlyyou could break some part of the magic.

      She stopped a while. Please forgive my selfishness, I also got the punishment. As you could see, Openy never smiled again because of the deficiency. She hadn’t responded to everything for 10 years.

      No, that was I should say sorry. I always couldn’t remember things well and wasted time.
      Sealy sat on the ground, head in kneels, leaning against the wall. Her voice was excessively hoarse due to the crying.
      Just like their first meet, Moona didn’t know how to comfort her again.
      She sat beside her.
      That’s not your fault. You were rebuilt of innocence. And the only way to keep innocent was losing memory.
      No answer.
      Hey, when I felt disappointed, I always thought about Openy’s smile. If could, please worry not about the past, thinking about the remember things that made you happy.
      What you were thinking about
      A long pause and Sealy finally raised her head, looking ahead no focus, no light in the eyes.
      I was thinking about Eric. The only innocent part of my life.

      Not a savior, but a killer. No memory about her family 17 years ago, but she saw Eric’s family died 10 years ago.
      What would Eric think After knowing the ridiculous truth.
      Her brain stopped working.

      I lost Eric the first time before we met, but I had already considered accompanying him the whole life. From when, I could’t remember.
      Thank you for letting me correct the mistake I had made, Moona. And thank you for letting me know Eric. Now tell me the way to let Openy integrate.

      Eric was sitting in the seat, rest. Heating some gentle footsteps, he immediately stood up.
      Sealy lost her prepared words and courage when she saw his eyes.
      Eric smiled warmly. Sealy, the rain had stopped, we could go now.
      She almost wept again.
      Sorry, Eric. I was coming to say a good bye.
      Eric frowned, pursing his lips.
      Did you forget You promised not to say good bye to me.
      Not till I died. She added, managing a bright smile with a dimple in her face.
      Eric caught her hands at once tightly. What on earth were you talking What did I do wrong
      Not what you did wrong, but what I had done wrong.
      Eric, I was died, already, and that was the reason why I didn’t get old in 10, no, in 17 years. So now, clever Eric, please let me to keep the promise to say good bye after the deal.
      Sealy pulled out her hands and gave him a hug, the warm hug she always remembered in her mind. She spoke beside his ears.
      Here’s the last lesson I could teach you.
      Even we were not witches, we should stick to the words we promised once. So good bye, my Eric.
      So quick a farewell.
      When Eric recuperated, disappeared Sealy.
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第2章 Witch Keeps Promises

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