“Tatsuya you’re gettin’ better than we thought. The Tyrant virus’ died largely but still has some remains inside your body. To get rid of them totally,you need two to three weeks' convalescence. During this time period, please report to us if you feel anything uncomfortable.” (“辰也身体内的T病毒在注射后一下子大量死去,残留的一些也许还需要两至三周的时间来完全消灭。我们先继续观察着,一旦身体有什么不对劲的反应,请立即向我们报告。”)
“Thanks a lot, Anna.” (“谢谢您,安娜博士。”)
“Thanks to Daiki. Actually it's we that owe you a lot.谢-谢-你。” (“这句话该和大辉说。实际上,应该是我们感谢您。”)身穿白大褂的美女医生看向青峰,微笑着,努力说了句蹩脚的日文感谢道。青峰挑挑眉表示接受。
“Your body’s still in poor health. After the Tyrant virus’ died, the physiological function needs time to be restored. Remember, never put yourself to the edge before you’re completely healed.” (“冰室君的身体目前还很虚弱,T病毒大量死亡后,各方面像骨髓和血细胞、包括血小板的制造都需要一段时日来回复到平常水平。在此之前,千万不可以觉得自己好了就乱来。”)