歌曲背景: 听这首歌的时候,时间仿佛回到了童年,忘记了一切纷繁杂乱,如此的简单纯真,好像暖暖的阳光就那样懒洋洋的从窗户照了进来,然后我就坐在窗前看着外面小伙伴们在嬉戏玩耍,一边等待着妈妈回家…… Frente,这支来自澳洲的乐队却取了一个西班牙文的名字,即英文“Front”的意思。他们原本把自己称为 “Frente!”,过后也不懂是队里的哪个成员心血来潮,提议把“!”给省略掉,结果大家一致同意。Frente 便成了这个组合的代名词。Frente!成立于1991年,由三男一女组成,刚开始队员总共有4人:女主唱Angie Hart ,男主唱及吉他手Simon Austin,贝斯手Tim O' connor,鼓手Mark Picton。 Simon有一天在酒吧遇上Angie,觉得她的嗓音十分吸引人,便与她谈起音乐来。当时她尚未成年,三年后他们在墨尔本成军,成员共三男一女,这就是“Frente!”。女主唱Angie Hart形容他们是支融合另类流行风格与清淡爵士伴奏的队伍,他们并不愿意顺着流行音乐的趋势而做出迎合市场的泡泡糖音乐。相反地,他们宁愿走向非主流,朝着自己喜欢的木吉他民谣风格,创作出另一种清新的音乐。在他们的唱片里,你可以嗅到花香,大自然的气息,一种与世无争的慵懒。 Angie清新干净的嗓音极富韵味美感,会让人不由自主的爱上。她被《滚石》杂志称为有一把“颠覆传统流行美感的小女孩嗓音”。幼时的基督教岁月和年轻时历经的80年代以来社会急遽的变迁,使她的词曲又显现颇具内涵的情感。而乐队的其他成员则显现出清新又不失艺术气息的民谣乐风。在一片Rock之风下,他们造出一些轻和悠扬的歌曲,如清泉般令人产生一种发自内心的感性和诚实直接的感觉,正好用来表达许多人内心深处的情感,以及人与人之间的细腻关系。Angie童真般的挚情清唱与乐队的简单吉他伴奏使我们恍然发现:不知从何时开始,天真与纯真变得这样罕有…… 可惜该团已于1998年解散,徒留下这首让人想一听再听的《Let The Sunshine In》予喜爱它的歌迷。
歌词如下: Mommy told me something A little kid should know It's all about the devil And I learned to hate him so She said he causes trouble when you let him in your room He'll never ever leave you if your heart is filled with gloom
So let the sun shine in Face it with a grin Smilers never lose And Frowners never win So let the sun shine in Face it with a grin Open up your heart and let the sun shine in
When you are unhappy The devil wears a grin But oh he starts to run in When the light comes prowling in I know he'll be unhappy Cause I'll never wear a frown Maybe if we keep on smiling He'll get tired of hanging 'round If I forget to say my prayers The devil jumps with glee But he feels so awful awful When he sees me on my knees So if you feel of trouble And you never seem to move Just open up your heart and let the sun shine in
Mommy told me someting A little kid should know It's all about the devil And i learned to hate him so If I forget to say my prayers The devil jumps with glee But he feels so awful awful When he sees me on my knees So if you feel of trouble And you never seem to move Just open up your heart and let the sun shine in