—Really, John, what is the point in this post If you can not detail what happened in a case because of some ridiculous law thing then why bother(说真的,John,你这篇博文有什么意义呢?既然因为一些荒谬的法律让你无法详细说明发生了什么你又何必写出来?) Sherlock Holmes 23 December 22:32
Sherlock点开John与他第一次见面那天写的博客,大声朗诵道:“‘ He was certainly arrogant and really quite rude and he looks about 12 and he is clearly a bit public school ,(他傲慢自大且相当没有礼貌,看起来只有12岁。他显然在公立小学待过。) ’。看看吧,John,这就是你对我完全错误的认知。”
“Well,你后一句话我还是很赞同的,‘I definitely think he might be mad but he was also strangely likeable. He was charming.(我绝对相信他有点疯疯癫癫,但是他奇异的很讨人喜欢。他很有魅力。)’——到这里我相信你完全是发自真心了。”
“还有我们同居第一天你更新的博客,真是精彩极了。‘He is fascinating. Arrogant, imperious, pompous. He is not safe, I know that much. (他是迷人的。傲慢,专横,自以为是。他是危险的,我知道。)’,后面一句‘he is probably most likely definitely mad. But, he knows a couple of nice restaurants so he is not all bad.(他也许、可能、肯定是疯了。不过他知道几个不错的餐馆,所以也不算太差劲。)’真令我惊奇,John,你居然这么容易就能被食物收买。”