手紧紧攥住,可是她想不出在即将死亡的时刻,能够说些什么。她低声的,但是极其婉转的唱起了中学时期《悲惨世界》艾潘妮临终的唱段。哦,都过去那么久了,她已经没法完整唱出来,可是一旦开唱,那些优美的旋律就仿佛回响在耳畔: “You're here, that's all I need to know And you will keep me safe And you will keep me close And rain will make the flowers grow.
…… I'll sleep in your embrace at last.
The rain that brings you here Is Heaven-blessed! The skies begin to clear And I'm at rest A breath away from where you are I've come home from so far”