【Our hero, our hero, claims a warrior's heart. 战斗的号角(不绝于耳)震撼着每人的心 I tell you, I tell you, the Dragonborn comes. 就是您,(就是您)您就是命中注定的那个人 With a Voice wielding power of the ancient Nord art. 期待着(您那)古诺德血液中那龙之咆哮的苏醒。 Believe, believe, the Dragonborn comes. 我们期盼,期盼着您的降临】
【It's an end to the evil, of all Skyrim's foes. (请)快把我们从天际的水深火热中拯救(出来吧) Beware, beware, the Dragonborn comes. (请您)不要畏惧艰难,不要畏惧险阻 For the darkness has passed, and the legend yet grows. 光明重现之日就是(您)名垂青史之时。 You'll know, You'll know the Dragonborn's come. (您)就会明白,就会深知,(您)存在的意义。】