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1、楔子 ...

  •   The Perfect Prince in My Heart
      Juan Calos Ferrero, whose name is the same as that of the king in Espana, is my favorite male tennis player. He is gentle and noble as a prince, which attracts me a lot.
      It was in the november of 2002 that I first saw him on TV. As a qualified player to attend the ATP Masters' Cup, he came to Shanghai to fight for the last title of the whole year. When I accidentally watched a tennis game, his slim body, blond hair and delicate face caught my eyes. He looked so weak and cool. But while in court, he ran for every ball and hit the ball with great passion. He cried out for his miss and error. He clenched his fist whenever he made a good hit. So I knew that under his cool face he has a strong mind and eagerness for victories. However, for a pity, he lost the final game. When I saw his sad eyes filled with tears, I thought I had fallen to love him.
      He had done very well in 2003. He got his first Grand Slam crown at Roland Garros and became world No.1 after wonning his second Masters' Series title of that year in Madrid. But soon he got down to the bottom of his career due chicken pox and continual injuries in 2004. As we would never give him up, he would also never give up himself. So we saw him fighting for more victories. He attended many matches to find the feeling of playing well. He tried hard to make up for his shortcomings in the field of skill. In the end of this year, he had ranked from 88 to 17. All his fans were satisfied with his performance, especially for his regaining of confidence and determination.
      Although he is not the best player and in view of many people his gentle smile is not perfect, he is perfect in my heart. Maybe he hasn't the talent to be a dominating king, he can be perfect as a prince fighting for his win.
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第1章 楔子

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