“…… 哦,何时才能到尽头?(O when may it suffice?) 那是上天的事情,我们只(That is Heaven's part,our part) 喃喃那些名字(To murmur name upon name,) 像母亲轻唤孩子(As a mother names her child) 当他活蹦乱跳的身体(When sleep at last has come) 最终陷入沉睡时 (On limbs that had run wild) ……”
“…… 我们知道他们的梦,足矣(We know their dream;enough) 他们为梦想而死(To know they dreamed and are dead;) 也许生前曾经(And what if excess of love) 陶醉于狂潮般的爱情?(Bewildered them till they died?) …… 现在还有以后(Now and in time to be) 绿色蔓延之处(Wherever green is worn,) 一切都被改变,那肯定无疑(Are changed,changed utterly:) 诞生出一种可怕的美丽(A terrible beauty is born.)”
(作者注:此章诗句均摘自威廉•巴特勒•叶芝(William Butler Yeats)的作品《1916年复活节(Easter,1916)》,中译文为拙译。上章诗句同出自这位诗人之手,摘自《本布尔本山下(Under Ben Bulben)》。)
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