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5、 trust ...

  •   Trust, that most valuable of economic assets, is easily destroyed and hugely expensive to restore.

      I am writing this part to memorize my past. In my life, someone left a deep expression on me, that in my youth.

      I am not sure what I can do for this obscure relationship, so I just do nothing.

      When I see someone like-him, my heart is not tranquillity, but it is also ok, because it is an episode in my life.

      Someone who used to study hard day and night was graduated three years ago and has been lazy ever since.

      Sometimes merely changes the environment, we can find thar our mind will alter following.

      to keep a steady relationship with someone is becoming increasingly difficult.

      Like that, our environment is becoming increasingly serious, but in many cases, we can not know how to do that.It is a question which needs us to consider deeply.

  • 本文当前霸王票全站排行,还差 颗地雷就可以前进一名。[我要投霸王票]
  • [灌溉营养液]
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